Romans 8:
As we concluded Chapter 7, the struggle was still going
on, even in the midst of hope.
V 25 "--- So then with the mind I myself serve the
law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin."
Not a good situation, and not one
that God can condone.
But, unfortunately, it's a situation that prevails in
many a Christian’s life.
And what are the consequences of this endless see-sawing
back and forth?
Does a Christian continually gain and lose his salvation,
based on his performance?
Some of our dear brethren are still labouring under that
teaching, but that is not the case.
Certainly there are consequences of a life lived in the
flesh, and, might I say, very severe consequences, but our eternal security is
not one of them.
Which brings us to Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no
condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh,
but after the Spirit."
Before I go any further, I need to address the last part
of this verse which says, "who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
Certainly, such a requirement would immediately put our
salvation in jeopardy, but it would also fly in the face of many other scriptures.
And as we all know, scripture doesn't contradict itself.
So, how can we explain this requirement?
Well, one scholar by the name of Sanday says these words are simply an interpolation, or in other words, a piece of
information that has been drawn from another source and inserted into the
In this case, it seems to have come from the end of V 4.
But how could such a thing happen?
I must confess I cannot answer that question, or even
prove that this is, in fact, the case.
However, if we accept this explanation, the rest of the
verse takes on quite a different meaning, and, might
I say, one that does agree with scripture.
Let me read it again.
V 1 "There
is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.”
However, even if we eliminate this rather troublesome
qualification, one requirement still remains.
Salvation, and, indeed, eternal security, cannot be ours
unless we are "in Christ Jesus.”
It's an essential requirement not only for man, but for
God himself.
You see, when God looks at the redeemed sinner who is "in Christ Jesus," He only sees His
perfect Son.
And as a result, He can "be just,
and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.”
And this
blessed condition of being "in Christ Jesus" is pictured in the Old Testament.
Actually, that's not too surprising, for the Old
Testament is literally filled with pictures (or types) of the Lord Jesus.
That's why He could point to "Moses and all the prophets" while on His way to Emmaus, and "expounded unto them in all the
scriptures the things concerning himself."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Today, we
will only consider Noah's
and even then, only one of several types that are contained in that magnificent
In Genesis 7:1 we read "--- the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark.”
That wasn't a suggestion. It was a command.
You see, the ark was the only place of safety in a world
under God’s impending judgment.
And as we read on, we will discover that the wooden
sides of the ark had been sealed both inside and out with pitch.
Certainly, there was a practical reason for this, for
the ark wouldn't be seaworthy until its many joints were sealed.
However, if we search out the Hebrew word for pitch, we
will discover that it can also be translated atonement.
In fact, it is translated atonement in several other
Now, it's not too unusual for a word to have two
In fact, the English language is filled with such examples.
However, in this case, this double meaning is quite
You see, all those inside the ark were effectively separated
from the waters of God's judgment by the pitch.
In like manner, all those "in Christ Jesus" are protected from the judgment they so
richly deserve by Christ's atonement.
And as a result --- "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
V 2 "For the
law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin
and death."
With the introduction of V 2, we turn our attention from
the certainty of our salvation to the distinct possibility of our victory.
Here again, as in the previous chapter, two laws are acting
in opposition.
In this case, it is "the law of the Spirit" and "the law of sin and death."
Let me illustrate their interaction by referring to another
law, found in nature.
Supposing I'm sitting at the kitchen table, and
accidentally knock my knife over the edge.
Immediately, the law of gravity would take over, sending
the knife crashing to the floor.
But suppose I have quick reflexes, and simply reach out
and grab the knife in mid-air, and return it to the table.
I haven't cancelled the law of gravity, but as far as
the knife is concerned, I have overcome the law of gravity by a greater force.
Likewise, because of our sin nature, it is certainly
possible for "the law of sin and
death" to drag us down, but it's not inevitable.
V 3-4 "For
what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending
his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the
4 That the righteousness of the law might be
fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
Here is hope indeed!
Certainly the law, which was hampered by the weakness of
our flesh, could not help us.
However, because of Jesus Christ, and because of the
indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, "the righteousness of the law" can be "fulfilled in us.”
How does that happen?
Well, we will be looking at that in a moment, but first
of all, let's consider our incarnate Lord as He is presented to us in V 3.
If we look carefully, we will notice that V 3 says Jesus
was made "in the likeness of sinful
flesh," but it doesn't say He was made in the likeness of flesh.
It doesn't say that, because Jesus wasn't made in the
likeness of flesh. He was made flesh.
Certainly, angels have
appeared in the likeness of flesh, but at no point were they human.
They were simply masquerading in human form.
But Jesus was a real man.
He entered this world as a baby.
And I have no doubt that like any other baby, His mother
would have to teach Him how to walk and how to talk.
But when it comes to "sinful flesh," Jesus was only made in its "likeness.”
He looked like the rest of us. In fact, He was like the rest of us, but He
"did no sin.”
Hebrews 4:15 says He "was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin."
Yes, for 33 years, Jesus lived among us as a perfect
human being.
He "did no
And yet V 3 also says, He came "for sin.”
What does that mean?
And while we're trying to answer that
question, what about His perfect life? Was it of
any benefit to mankind?
To answer these questions, let me refer you to an
interesting revelation found in the book of Hebrews.
In Hebrews 10:20, we are told that the veil in the temple
that separated sinful man from a righteous God was a type (or picture) of Jesus’
Looked at from this point of view, it becomes quite
apparent that Jesus’ perfect life would only highlight our shortcomings.
That's one reason why so many self-righteous
individuals, such as the scribes and the Pharisees, hated Him.
Certainly, we should try to follow Jesus’ example, for
we can have no better.
But as an example, Jesus’ sinless life can never save us
any more than God's perfect law can justify us.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
However, looked at from a different point of view, it can
be truly said that His sinless life was absolutely essential in obtaining our
John the Baptist identified Jesus as --- "the Lamb of God, which taketh away the
sin of the world.”
But He couldn't
have taken away a single sin if He hadn't been "a lamb without blemish and without spot.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In the book
of Matthew, Chapter 27, we are told, that when Jesus "yielded up the ghost" --- "the veil of the temple was rent in twain," effectively removing the barrier
between the outer sanctuary and the Holiest of all.
I'm sure the priests repaired the veil as quickly as
possible, but God had made His point.
The rent veil of His Son’s perfect flesh had opened the
way into His presence.
And that's why Jesus left His ivory palaces and was made "in the likeness of sinful flesh.”
Oh certainly He came as
's Messiah, thus fulfilling
God's promises.
But He also came "for sin.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
So then, having looked at Jesus’ reasons for being made
flesh, let us return to the subject of our victory "in Christ Jesus.”
In Chapter 6, we discovered the true significance of our
position "in Christ Jesus.”
In today's lesson, we will discover the true
significance of the power of the Holy Spirit Who resides within every believer.
Romans 8:5-8 "For they that are after
the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit
the things of the Spirit.
6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be
spiritually minded is life and peace.
7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please
Here we see the rewards of living "after the Spirit" and the consequences of living "after the flesh.”
It is a battle that must be won, but it's also a battle
that will require outside help.
V 9-10 "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the
Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the
Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead
because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness."
So, there you have it.
If you are a believer, you can count on the Holy
Spirit's presence within you.
So much so that His absence is positive proof that
salvation has never taken place.
Well, for the Christian, that’s good news.
But how does His presence affect our battle against
Here we have V 11-13z: "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead
dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead
shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the
flesh, to live after the flesh.
13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye
shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye
shall live."
Did you notice the extent of the Holy Spirit’s power?
Yes, it's the same power that "raised up Jesus from the dead.”
Can you imagine that?
The same power that raised Jesus’ physical body from the
grave is available to quicken our "mortal
And yes, we are still talking about our "mortal bodies.”
It's the same subject that occupied us in Chapters 6 and
7, and it will occupy us throughout the rest of this lesson.
And this might be a good time to consider the fact that
our physical bodies have been "bought with a price.”
Yes, the "For Sale" sign in front of our house
has a "SOLD" sticker pasted across it!
The price has been paid, and the transaction has been
sealed in blood.
1 Peter 1:18-19 "--- ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from
your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;
19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a
lamb without blemish and without spot.”
And secondly, as we discovered in our last lesson, there
is a new occupant living in Christ’s house.
1 Corinthians 3:16 "Know ye not that ye are the
, and that the
Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"
And when the Holy Spirit moved in, He found quite a few
things that were not to His liking.
Yes, I'm sorry to say, the house that cost Jesus so
dearly turned out to be a handyman's special.
It would not be a suitable environment for its new
occupants until some extensive renovations have been done.
Oh, did I say occupants?
Actually, I did.
You see, our new nature also lives here.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
So, how exactly does the Holy Spirit fit into this new
What are His rights, and what are His responsibilities?
Perhaps the best way I can approach this subject is to
tell you a story about an old mill.
Like any illustration, it's bound to have its
shortcomings, but I hope it will be helpful.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As you entered the City of Cambridge Ontario, travelling
Fisher Mills Road
you would pass an old rundown mill.
The place was a disaster, and I wouldn't be surprised if
the inside was as derelict as its exterior.
But all that has changed.
Today, if you pass that same mill, you will hardly
recognize it.
The old roof has been replaced with
expensive new tiles.
It now sports new siding, and up in
the peak, there's a beautiful picture window.
And I can only imagine what the
inside must look like.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I asked my son what he knew about
this marvellous transformation.
He had heard that a mechanical
engineer had bought the property with visions of making it his new home.
Obviously, in addition to the
purchase price, he had the financial resources to complete the job in style.
So now it stands in all its glory,
a testimony to the new owner’s resources and his architectural skill.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Actually, that's all I know about
the old mill, and even that is second-hand information.
However, I would like to use a
little imagination in order to fill out my story.
I hope you don't mind.
I would like to imagine that back
in the bad old days, a tramp used to take refuge in its dark interior.
He had found a loose board on its
crumbling exterior, and had just managed to squeeze inside.
And the place suited him.
After numerous visits, his muddy
boots had built up a layer of grime on the floor, and old wine bottles gave
testimony to his principle activity.
However, in return for its shelter,
he had used it disgracefully.
When the weather turned cold, he would
rip off a few boards from one of the partitions, and make a small fire.
It’s a wonder he hadn't burnt the place
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
So that's my imaginary story about
an imaginary old man, and the very real old mill.
And you know what? That's about the way our old nature treats our
bodies if he is given full sway.
However, the time came, when the
old mill got a new owner.
And upon conversion, the Christian
has a new owner also, and a new occupant in the person of the Holy Spirit.
And just like the mechanical
engineer, the Holy Spirit possesses considerable resources.
Yes, as we have already discovered,
the Holy Spirit possesses the very same power that raised Jesus’ physical body
from the grave.
And with power like that, you would
expect some big changes.
In fact, "the righteousness of the law" will be "fulfilled in us" if we "walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
And, actually, that's the crux of the matter, isn't it?
If the fruit of the Spirit is not evident in a
believer's life, then something is definitely wrong.
And might I add, the absence of
victory has nothing to do with a lack of personal ability.
Victory is completely dependent upon the Holy Spirit's
power. Failure can only point to an
ignorance of the facts, or a complete lack of obedience.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Well, let's get back to our story.
Let us suppose that after the mill was enjoying its new
life, the old tramp showed up one dark night.
He was carrying an empty wine bottle in his hand, and he
was trying to get in.
You see, he had always considered the old mill to be his.
Oh, he hadn't built it, and he certainly hadn't purchased
It had simply been there to supply his rather dubious
On that particular night, the new owner was in the back
of the house working on another renovation.
Of course he had no idea that an old tramp was wandering
around outside, looking for a loose board.
But there wasn't any loose board, was there?
And in the darkness, and in the confusion of his mind,
the old man just couldn't put it together.
However, as he shuffled along in the darkness, the front
door suddenly swung open of its own accord.
Yes, you guessed it.
The new mill recognized the old man, and for some
unaccountable reason, still liked him.
Staggering into the kitchen, he looked around in disgust.
The old mill wasn't dark any more.
In fact, it was lit up like a Christmas tree!--not the
best thing for a hangover.
"What's going on in here? Someone's made an awful mess of the
Flopping down on the new chesterfield, he banged his
wine bottle on the coffee table, and tried to get some sleep.
But it was no use.
All of those lights gave him a headache.
Well, actually, he already had a headache, but they
weren’t helping!
Finally, he climbed the stairs and sacked out in a dark
Or, to be more specific, he sacked out on the new bedspread,
muddy boots and all.
About this time, the new owner entered the kitchen with
the idea of making a sandwich.
Of course, he saw the mud on the floor, and the large dent
in the coffee table.
He also saw the muddy footprints leading upstairs.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Well, I'll leave it up to you to fill in the rest of the
story, but there could only be one conclusion, couldn’t there?
After all, the old man had no right to be there in the
first place, and there wasn't the remotest possibility that
they could live in harmony.
Yes, everything seems quite predictable, but that part
about the front door was quite a surprise, wasn't it?
Of course, apart from my rather flowery imagination,
mills don't have a will of their own, but we do.
And it is possible to swing our front door open, and welcome the old man in, muddy boots and all--but
it will be a disaster.
As Romans 8:7 says, "--- the carnal mind is enmity
against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can
And V 8 assures us "--- they that are in the flesh cannot please
Is that what we want?
I don't think so.
After all, "--- to be carnally minded is
death," but "to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I would like to conclude this lesson with one more
illustration, but don't panic. This one has nothing to do with my imagination.
In fact, it comes from scripture.
Both the
Jesus Christ
and God's
Chosen People have been created for a purpose, in fact, several purposes.
However, today we will only concern ourselves with the
nation of
and we will limit ourselves to one of its purposes.
For hundreds of years, the
was occupied by a number of nations.
In return for the bountiful land that God had given
them, they lived in debauchery and idolatry.
And like in Noah's day, evil was so rampant that
something must be done.
However, this time, God wasn't going to destroy them with
a flood, or rain down fire and brimstone from heaven.
He would create a nation that would exercise His
judgment upon them.
Now, there were a couple of advantages to this method.
First of all, there would be no need to destroy that
wonderful land that flowed with milk and honey.
And secondly, the inhabitants would have another 400
years to change their ways.
However, this method was not without its dangers.
would inherit that beautiful
land, but they must walk a straight path.
Listen to God’s
words in Deuteronomy 7:16-18: "And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye
shall have no pity upon them: neither shalt thou serve their gods; for that
will be a snare unto thee.
17 If thou shalt say in thine heart, These nations are more than I; how can I dispossess them?
18 Thou shalt not be afraid of them: but shalt well
remember what the LORD thy God did unto Pharaoh, and unto all
There were at least two dangers that
to be wary of.
First of all, acting upon their own initiative, they
might spare the very nations God had condemned.
Of course, that would lead to a long series of
compromises in which they would end up serving "their gods.”
And even if they agreed with God's judgment, and
recognized the absolute necessity of destroying the enemy, they could be
paralyzed by fear.
Yes, even with all the resources of God behind them,
they might say, "How can I
dispossess them?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Today, Christians face much the same situation.
Oh, God hasn't asked us to destroy nations.
In fact, He has told us to go to them in love.
No, nations aren't the issue here.
It’s those hidden sins which we might be unwilling to
judge, or the "principalities and
powers" that paralyze us with fear.
But really, defeat shouldn't even be an option.
We need only "remember
what the LORD" our "God
did unto Pharaoh, and unto all
And we need only rely upon the power of the Holy Spirit "that raised up Jesus from the dead.”
No, victory has nothing to do with our abilities. It's simply a matter of faith and obedience.
With the Holy Spirit at the helm of our lives, "the righteousness
of the law" can be "fulfilled in us.”
And why shouldn't He be at the helm of our lives?
After all, we "are
bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit,
which are God's." 1
Corinthians 6:20