Whether we employ the telescope or the microscope, we always find that God's creation is perfect at all levels of observation. His inspired Word is even more so, and will richly reward those who take . . . . . . . . a closer look at God's Word.Each Bible lesson is about 30 minutes in length. Let me welcome you to the class, with the hope that you will find this expository Bible teaching profitable. Write me at |
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The Latest Messages:(from Miscellaneus Messages) |
Now available as a Podcast
Take a closer look at the awesome accounts of creation, Noah's ark, Abraham, Joseph. Fifty-three lessons, 30 minutes each. Stimulating for small group studies. Click here for lessons in Genesis in audio and text. Download for use while travelling, or simply click "streaming" for instant replay. |
In this book, the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and a full, co-equal member of the Godhead. Nevertheless, as you read, I hope you will discover the same closeness to Christ as I did. Even though He came as the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world, He was vitally concerned with people’s needs. For instance, His first miracle at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, although it revealed His deity, it rescued the reputation of a young bridegroom. Click here for complete lessons in John in audio and text. |
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans |
Ephesians focuses on the Church Universal, the spiritual body of Christ, and is all about devotion to its Lord. In this epistle, Paul reaches some unique spiritual heights, and certain mysteries are revealed that are found nowhere else in Scripture. I hope you can join me online, or as you travel.Click here for complete lessons in Ephesians in audio and text. |
HebrewsDiscover the rich writings of Hebrews, full of Old Testament types and New Testament revelations. Seventeen lessons, 30 minutes each. A treasure trove for small group studies. Click here for complete lessons in Hebrews in audio and text. Download for use while travelling, or simply click "streaming" for instant replay. |
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