CloserLook > Genesis > Genesis 13: 5-18 and 14: 1-16 |
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Genesis 13: 5-18 and 14: 1-16Last week we learned from Abram’s experience that God completely restores the penitent sinner to fellowship with Himself. Yes, sin does have consequences both for ourselves and for those around us. However, just as the prodigal's request to be made "a hired servant" was rejected by his father, so our Heavily Father will not accept His child into a relationship that is anything less then full fellowship. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ So, upon returning from
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ But there was still one hindrance to the full realization of God’s promises in his life. No doubt it had seemed natural for Abram to take his
nephew Lot with him on his journey to
Lot was the son of
In the past, no doubt Uncle Abram had felt the need to
And so, because he felt this responsibility to look
after his nephew, it would be natural for him to take Lot to
However, as right as it may have seemed, this action was in direct disobedience to God's command, as we see it in--- Genesis 12:1 "--Get thee out of thy country, and from thy
kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee."
And like any of God's commands, there was a good reason behind His requirement. You see, God knew that
And down through history, there have been many
individuals like
They follow a man rather than God. In any great work of faith, they are merely hangers on. They may continue for a time, carried on by the faith of others, but eventually they prove to be either a dead weight upon the testimony, or an actual hindrance to it. So it was with
He had no real call of God in his life, but simply followed in the steps of Uncle Abram until "the lusts of other things" entering in, finally separated them. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V 5-9 "And Lot also, which went with Abram, had
flocks, and herds, and tents. Abram was not controlled by a desire for wealth, for God
had done a work in his heart down in
Even though he was the elder, and should have been given
the preference, Abram generously gave the first choice to Lot, and
V 10-13 "And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld
all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered every where, before the LORD
destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the LORD, like the land of
Egypt, as thou comest unto Zoar. On the surface, it might seem to us that the strife
between their herdsmen was the cause of
But that was only the surrounding circumstances, not the cause. This problem no more produced the worldly desires in
No, it only served to bring out what was really there in the first place. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ And did you notice the reason Abram gave for ending the strife as quickly as possible? His concern clearly showed where his priorities were. V 8 "Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee"--- "for we be brethren." Abraham had a testimony to maintain before the heathen. V 7 tells us that "the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land," and
Abram had no desire to bring reproach upon the name of the Lord again as he had
done in
Yes, he had learned his lesson well, and was determined to seek peace rather than his personal rights in the matter. Now V 10 says, concerning "the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered every where."
So, to Abram's trained eye, who after all was a professional
herdsman, this well- watered plain must have looked as attractive to him as it
did to
So why didn't Abram exercise his personal right, as the elder person in the family, to make sure he got first pick on this beautiful piece of ground? Well, in spite of its potential to produce wealth, he also realized that its inhabitants were a very wicked people. And besides all that, Abram believed that he could
safely give
This was heavenly wisdom indeed. And that is what faith always does: it allows God to choose its inheritance, and it also allows Him to make it good. Yes, faith is always satisfied with the portion which God gives. It can always say, "The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage." It matters not where "the lines" fall, for in the judgment of faith they always fall "in pleasant places" just because God has ordered it. So, the man of faith can easily afford to allow the man of sight to make his choice. He can say, "If
thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left."
Let the man of the world choose what he will, for there is never the slightest danger that he will lay his hand upon faith’s treasure. And so Abram graciously gave the choice to
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ So what did Lot choose when the whole
He chose
But why would he choose such a place? Well, obviously, He chose by outward appearance, having no knowledge of the coming judgment or any concern about God's guidance in the matter. Oh, I know, he couldn't be expected to see the future, but he certainly could see the wickedness of the people, and that should have been enough to stop him. However, the promise of riches blinded him to all else. The plain of Jordan suited him, for it was good for business. And perhaps even the city of
Lot had come from
Perhaps the rural life that he had lived while following Uncle Abram had not been entirely to his liking. Yes, it would seem that Lot was not only very pleased
with his choice of the plain of Jordan, but also the society of
So, without seeking for any guidance from Abram's God, he eagerly left the place of testimony and camped near the place of judgment. And from that initial move, there seems to have been a steady progress downward. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Psalm 1:1 says, "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." But for Lot, who had "pitched his tent toward
First, he walked in the counsel of ungodly, for he had purposely made them his near neighbours. Then he stood in the way of sinners and kept company with them. Yes, he left his tent behind him, and moved into a house in that wicked city. And, finally, he sat in the seat of the scornful, and
that's exactly where the angels found him when they visited
Genesis 19:1 "And there came two angels to
Yes, sin is progressive, and one compromise always makes way for another. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Abram, in his desire to settle the strife quickly, had
given Lot the choice of any of the land in
His main concern had been for the honour of God's name. But had he been too generous? No, he was simply acting in faith, and God made sure that Abram would not be the loser for his generosity. So, as
V 14-18 "And the LORD said unto Abram, after that
Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place
where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: Now that Abram's tie with
For some time now we have noticed the gradual unfolding of God's promise to Abram as he had been gradually freed of one encumbrance after another. In chapter 12:1-2, Abram had been told to go to--"a land that I will shew thee.” And
also at that time, God had promised --"I
will make of thee a great nation."
Then, when he had obeyed the Lord by entering
So now that Abram was completely separated from his "kindred" and from his "father's house," God could make His promises much more specific. God told him to walk through the land to the North and South and East and the West, to mark out its boundaries, for He would give the very land that he stood on to him and to his descendents for a possession. And God was also much more specific in His description of Abram's descendents. They would be without number, "as the dust of the earth." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ And just for the record, this promise was literally fulfilled under the reign of King Solomon. Please turn with me, to 1 Kings 4: 20-21 "
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ But most importantly, hidden in this promise to Abram
was a promise that would greatly affect
We see this in Genesis 13:15 "For
all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In our English translation, we might not understand the significance of V 15, because in the English language, the word "seed" is spelled the same whether it is in the singular or the plural form. So, as far as we are concerned, this verse could be talking about a single seed or a bushel of seed. There is no doubt from the context that the word "seed" in V 16 is referring to
How do we know that? Well, because the book of Galatians makes the meaning of V 15 perfectly clear. Galatians 3:16 "Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ." So in actual fact, the word "seed" in V 15 is referring to Christ,
So then, according to God's promise to Abram, some day Christ will actually reign over this whole world from the very land that Abram was standing on that day! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Now it is true that Abram did not separate himself from
However, when separation was finally forced upon him, he showed a remarkable amount of faith and a genuine concern for his testimony. Yes, in complete faith he had given
It was a mountaintop experience in Abram's life, and the beginning of a life of separation to his God. V 18 "Then
Abram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre, which is in
Clearly, by his move to "the plain of Mamre," Abram expressed a desire for a separated life. He was now far from the place where he could see "the plain of Jordan" and the city
And the plain of Mamre was to be the area in which he would spend most of his life thereafter. It was also the location of the
Yes, it was the place of separation that he had chosen, indeed, that God had chosen for him. It was the place of the tent where he would live as a stranger and a pilgrim in the earth, and it was the place of the altar where he would be a worshipper of God. Lot might choose
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In contrast,
There was no altar in
No, communion with Abram's God did not concern him a great deal. He was looking for something quite different. However, even during the relatively short time in which he
successfully gained wealth by his compromises, he could not have been a very
happy man, for God’s word says concerning such individuals --- "he gave them their request; but sent
leanness into their soul."
And as we now know, even the wealth, for which he had been so willing to compromise his convictions, would eventually be taken away from him. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Although Chapter 13 records the time of Abram and Lot’s separation, in actual fact, their hearts had been going in opposite directions for quite some time. Abraham was a man of faith who "looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God," while Lot was the kind of man who would choose Sodom because it suited him so well. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ As Chapter 14 begins, we find that some considerable time has gone by. Abram has been living the separated life in "the plain of Mamre," while Lot was gaining in status and prestige in the wicked city of Sodom. Now, Lot wasn’t really an evil man as far as his personal morals were concerned, but he was willing to compromise his personal convictions for the sake of money. We know that Lot was not inherently evil, because 2 Peter
2:8 says concerning him "(For that righteous man dwelling among them, in
seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their
unlawful deeds)."
So in his case, it could certainly be said that--"the love of money is the root of all
evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and
pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Now Lot might argue, as some Christians do, that he was there to bear a testimony among them, but, actually, he had little power to act against the wickedness in that city, even if he had been inclined to do so. On the other hand, Abram dealt with the wickedness of Sodom quite differently. He had completely separated himself from that wicked city. So the question comes, Which one was able to do the most good, Abram or Lot?
Well, the record certainly shows that the best way to serve the world is to separate from it while testifying against it. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lot's method seemed to be quite successful for a while, but eventually it got him into a lot of trouble. The old saying goes, If you fly with the crows, you will get shot at. Genesis 14:8-12 "And there went out the king of Sodom, and
the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboiim, and the
king of Bela (the same is Zoar;) and they joined battle with them in the vale
of Siddim; Here we see that war had come into the valley of Siddim and had devastated the five cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Zoar. Sodom was looted of its riches, and the residents, along with Lot and his family, were taken captive. Of course Lot's riches, which he had so compromised his testimony to obtain, were taken also. V 13-16 "And there came one that had escaped, and
told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother
of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these were confederate with Abram. Unlike Lot, Abram, who was living far from the society of Sodom, was not directly affected by the war. Up on the plain of Mamre, he could have continued living
the quiet life of the wealthy herdsman.
However, when he heard that his nephew was taken captive, his family ties and brotherly love galvanized him into action. Genuine faith, while it always renders us independent, never renders us indifferent. So was godly Abraham too sweet and kind to fight? No. He acted with courage and decision, and with the energy and determination of a good man. Abram had 318 trained servants born in his own house. It was his own little army. No doubt the country he lived in was more like the Wild West, having no central government. So, every small city would have its own king, and each person living in the country was responsible for the protection of their own families and herds. As a result, Abram had his own standing army, and for additional protection, he had joined a confederation of his neighbours, Aner, Eshcol and Mamre, who were probably stockmen also. These were the resources he could call upon. Not a very great army to deal with the enemy hordes that he must face, but, like Gideon, who routed an army of 135,000 Midianites with only 300 men, Abram went forth fearlessly, depending upon his God. Yes, this was a much different man than the one who had caved in to fear in the land of Egypt. Also like Gideon, they struck at night, and then followed them and slaughtered them all the way to Dan in the northern part of what is now Israel. The kings themselves were killed, as we will see in verse 17, and all was retrieved, both captives and possessions. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Here is an interesting footnote in connection with this passage. Abram was a godly man, living in an area where men needed to take care of themselves. He had trained servants, or soldiers, and with them he went out to fight and deliver the innocent from captivity, and punished the murdering, slaughtering hosts of the kings who had come against them, and, of course, also delivered his nephew Lot. Some earnest Christians teach that we should not engage in war during this age of grace, but rather make all adverse situations a matter for prayer. But here we see that Abram, although a man of faith, took action, using the resources he had. And we will also see, when we get to V 20, that God’s priest Melchizedek blessed Abram for his actions. “---And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand." So, by his actions, Abram demonstrated the principle that godliness means patriotism. It means the support of the weak, the care of our country, and the care of our families. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V 21 "And
the king of Sodom said unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to
Abram had just encountered a formidable enemy and had come out victorious because of his faith in the Lord. However, in the seeming generosity of the king of Sodom, there was as great a danger to his spiritual well-being as the physical danger he had faced in the battle of the kings. What will Abram's reaction be, and how will God help him at this critical time in his life? That will be the subject for next week’s lesson.
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