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Genesis 12:9-20 and 13:1-4
Hebrews 11 gives Abraham the well-deserved title of a man of faith. But when God first called him to
No, his faith had to develop over the years as God patiently dealt with him. We are first made aware of this weakness in faith in Genesis
12:1-2 when the LORD said to Abram "--Get
thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house,
unto a land that I will shew thee: It was a wonderful promise, but at that point in his life, Abram did not have enough faith to claim it. To obey God's command would involve leaving his kindred, and especially his father, and he was not willing to make such a sacrifice. So, as it turned out, it was his father, Terah, an idol worshipper,
who eventually broke the tie with home and settled in
Genesis 11:31 "And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot
the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's
wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the
land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there."
We don't really know what prompted Terah to set out for Canaan,
but whatever his motivation, he did not complete the journey, but stopped short
This, of course, was not a step of faith on Abram's part. He had only complied with his father's wishes. As far as Abram was concerned, circumstance had brought
him part-way to Canaan, and circumstance had left him stranded in
Yes, because of a lack of faith, Abram lived his life just outside the place of God’s blessing. Many years later, his descendents, the children of
They did not enter
Instead, they spent the rest of their lives wandering in the wilderness, deprived of God's promises. Hebrews 3: 19 gives us the real reason for their failure---"So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief." In fact, that is really the only reason why any of us fail to claim God's promises. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Well, finally, God had to step in to break the tie of nature that was holding Abram back. V 32 "And the days of Terah were two hundred and
five years: and Terah died in
So, as Genesis 12 begins, we see Abram finally stepping
out by faith to make the long journey to
It was the beginning of a lifetime of faith, a faith that would develop over the years. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Last week, in Genesis 12: 6, we read "--And the Canaanite was then in the land." Yes, the Canaanite was still in the land, and was a source of concern to Abram, but the Lord was also in the land. And He appeared unto him with the promise that some day, this land would belong to his family. It was a promise that would focus his attention on God rather than the Canaanite, and one that should encourage him to stay in the Promised Land. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ And last week, we learned a practical lesson from this experience of Abram's. We will also find that the Canaanite is still in the land in our own lives. Satan's power is great, and he will always try to intimidate us into accepting spiritual poverty. But, as in Abram's case, God's promises are still true,
Will we stay in
The choice is ours, and as we will soon learn by Abram's experience, it is a choice that will greatly affect our Christian testimony. So perhaps we can learn from his mistakes, rather than going through the painful process of learning from our own. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Yes, when Abram first entered the Promised Land, he must have been quite intimidated by the presence of the Canaanite, for they were a very wicked people. However, God's wonderful promise had quieted his fears and encouraged him to stay. But, unfortunately, what fear could not accomplish, adversity soon did. Yes, after he had taken so long to get to
Oh, no, you say! Oh, yes, I'm afraid he did. V 9-10 "And Abram journeyed, going on still toward
the south. You see, it not only requires faith to enter the Promised Land, it requires faith to stay there. Now, we have to admit that this was a very serious problem. Abram had flocks and herds and servants to provide for, so a famine was not only a serious problem to himself personally. It involved those for whom he was responsible. But was it a problem too great for God? We know it wasn't, for God is all powerful. But, apparently it was too great for Abram's faith to handle, at least at that particular time in his life. Yes, he felt this responsibility weighing so heavily on his shoulders that he forgot God's promises, and took matters into his own hands. So, turning his back on Canaan, he fled to the
Oh, it was a practical solution. There wasn't any famine in
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Abraham's choice of
As far as the Christian’s spiritual walk is concerned,
Under the pressures of this world system we live in, we are often called upon to make the choice between holding onto God's promises, or accepting the easier alternative of abandoning them. However, the choice of
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ But someone might say, If
Well, that’s a very good question, and here's another one to consider. Why did Mary and
Joseph flee to
In these two instances, Why did the world serve God's purposes so well?
Well, first of all, we need to notice that in both these
cases, it was God's choice, not man's, to go to
Yes, in the providence of God, the world can be made to serve His purposes. And God has every right to use the world system in His plans, if He so desires. Psalm 76:10 tells us, "Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt
thou restrain."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ But in Abram’s case, his journey into
Yes, he should have remained in the centre of God’s
will, and, in that case, God's will meant
No, for Abram,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ And Abram's decision is one that all of us will be called upon to make, and no doubt have already made. In every case, we should stay within the path of God’s revealed will. This is the ‘land’ that He has called us to. And also, we need to be very careful in discerning God's will, for in many cases, our own expediencies can masquerade quite well as being God's command. However, if we doggedly refuse to leave
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In Abram's case the famine was certainly very real, and
So in our own lives,
But we must be careful, for it is seldom the lack of knowledge, but rather the fear of adversity that deflects us from the path of obedience. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ So Abram left the higher ground, and by so doing, he left the fellowship of his God, and very soon that would lead him into further compromises. V 10-13 "And there was a famine in the land: and
Abram went down into
His original decision to forsake Canaan, the
But, as we now see, this decision soon sent him down the slippery slope to other bad choices. I don't think Abram would have ever thought of
suggesting such a thing to his wife when he was in
But, no doubt, as they journeyed down into
When you begin to deviate from the path of God’s revealed will, in time you will surely fall into practices that you would have never yielded to before. Under
The realization of what he was doing should have so shocked
him that he would have immediately turned his back on
He was getting in way over his head, but pressed by the
famine in
As the old saying goes, he was jumping from the frying pan into the fire. V 14-15 "And it came to pass, that, when Abram was
come into
Being the brother of such a beautiful woman had made him a very popular man with Pharaoh. He had gone from the point of losing everything to a famine, to becoming a very rich man. The world had treated him royally.
And it is true that compromise can often be very
profitable materially speaking.
Yes, Abram had gained great wealth, but at what cost?
He had no altar, no communication with God, he was telling a lie, and living a lie. And even though Pharaoh had been very generous with him, his ‘sister,’ (really his wife), although as yet undefiled, was constrained to live in Pharaoh's court. The truth was, he had scandalously abandoned his wife to protect his own skin. Materially speaking, things seem to be going quite well for Sarah's ‘brother,’ but in actual fact, everything was going very wrong, and was bound to get much worse. No doubt by then both Abram and Sarai were having a lot of sleepless nights, and would have given anything to be back in Canaan, if by then it had been in their power to do so. Proverbs 13:15 says "--the way of transgressors is hard." And for them, that time had come. Abram had left
The lesson is plain. Exemption from temporary pressure, and even the accumulation of great wealth, are a poor equivalent for what one loses by deviating one hair’s breadth from the straight path of obedience. How sad when the child of God slips into the current of this present evil world to avoid the trials and strain connected with God's path of obedience. In the end, this course of action will bring leanness and barrenness to his soul. He may have obtained the world's favour, gotten a name and a position amongst men, but what are these compared to the joy of the Lord, a pure conscience, a testimony for Christ, and an effectual service for Him? So let us keep careful guard over our faith and a pure conscience. 1 Peter 5:8 warns us to--"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring
lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."
When trial comes, instead of turning aside into
And let us remember Him "Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father" Galatians 1:4. If His love for us, and His evaluation of this present world are such that He was willing to give Himself to deliver us from it, shall we then deny Him by plunging back into its power? God forbid!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Well, Abram was in way over his head, but, fortunately for him, God was about to take matters into His own hands. There never was a chance that Sarai would become one of Pharaoh's wives. God had promised Abram, "I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing." That was God's plan, and neither Abram’s foolish actions,
nor Pharaoh’s schemes, although they were backed up by all the power of
V 17 "And the LORD plagued Pharaoh and his house
with great plagues because of Sarai Abram's wife."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ However, even though God could overrule Pharaoh and protect His own plans, the fact remained that Abram and Sarai had brought reproach upon His Name. That could not be changed. V 18-20 "And Pharaoh called Abram and said, What is
this that thou hast done unto me? why didst thou not tell me that she was thy
wife? Although Pharaoh was afraid to do any harm to Sarai or Abram, he nevertheless rebuked him sharply. It is evident that He had lost all respect and affection for them, and ,of course, for their God. They had lost their testimony, and being justly rebuked by an unbeliever, they were told to leave the country. They must have journeyed back to Canaan in an embarrassed silence. Outwardly, of course, everything had gone well. They had escaped the famine of Canaan. They had come out of Egypt materially rich. Sarai was still with Abram, and neither of them had been injured in any way. If they had been worldly people, although shaken by this experience, they might have been quite satisfied with themselves. But they weren’t worldly people. Pharaoh's rebuke pressed heavily upon them. At one time when they had followed God's call into a strange land and walked by faith, they had enjoyed His protection, but now, because of fear, they had lost their testimony. Yes, I think the Egyptians would have been glad to see the last of them. And no doubt even their own servants, although they would not say as much, were disgusted with their master. They should have never gone to Egypt in the first place. Surly the Lord could have supplied for their needs in Canaan, even during the time of famine. And even in Egypt, since they had been determined to go there, they should have trusted God to protect them, rather than resorting to such a degrading compromise. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Of course, it is easy for us to criticize Abram and
Sarai, but under the same circumstances, we have to ask the question, Would we have fared any better?
So the lesson for us is clear: Stay in
Canaan, stay in the centre of God's will. The Lord can preserve us even in a famine.
No, we don't have to go down into Egypt. 1 Corinthians 10: 12-13 says, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but
God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able;
but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to
bear it."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ But, unfortunately, Abram and Sarai had yielded to temptation, and sometimes you and I also yield to temptation, in spite of the fact that God does "make a way to escape.” So what about that? Has God provided reconciliation? And if he has provided a way back, are we now doomed to a lesser position, a lower form of service in the future? Is there complete reconciliation with the Lord, or are we somewhat crippled for life? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The answer to this question is found in the next chapter. So let's look at Chapter 13, where the true character of divine restoration is made quite plain. When the child of God strays from known truth and loses his communion with God, he is in great danger. After he has repented for his sin of underestimating the full extent of God's divine grace-- because he has failed so miserably--he often stops short of seeking complete restoration. But the degree to which God does anything is always in keeping with His true nature. So whether He creates, redeems, converts, provides, or restores, He does it completely, for that is in accordance with His true nature. Unfortunately, we are prone to limit "the Holy One of Israel." And nowhere are we more prone to limit Him than in the area of His restoring grace. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Here in Genesis 13:1-4, we see His grace graciously demonstrated
to Abram: "And Abram went up out of Egypt, he, and his wife, and all that he had,
and Lot with him, into the south. Not only did God deliver Abram out of Egypt, but he
brought him back to "the place
where his tent had been at the beginning," and "Unto the place of the altar, which he had made there at the
first: and there Abram called on the name of the LORD."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ So what is the lesson that we can learn here? It is that nothing can satisfy God in reference to a wanderer or a backslider than His complete restoration. We might self-righteously think that the backslider should take a lower place than he had formerly, and if it were a question of his merits or character, so he should. But because it is completely a question of God's grace, and it is His right to set the standard of restoration, His grace always restores completely. This does not mean that there is no consequence for sin. No, the example of David’s great sin with Bathsheba makes it clear that there are consequences for sin, even though fellowship is restored. When David totally repented, fellowship with his God was completely restored. However, there was still a price to pay. 2 Samuel 12:10-11 "Now
therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house; because thou hast
despised me, and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife. But, as far as the Heavenly Father is concerned, when there is complete repentance and the forsaking of sin, complete and total fellowship is restored. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ We also see this principle taught by Jesus in His parable of the prodigal son. When the son contemplated returning to his father's
house, he had planned to say-- "I
have sinned against heaven, and before thee, He was prepared to take the lower position, but, as we will see, his father would not hear of it. Yes, on returning to his father’s house as he had previously planned, he said "--- I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight." So right there, he had confessed and forsaken his sin, and that is essential, but the other part, that is the part about I "am no more worthy to be called thy son" was not even heard by the father. No,"---the
father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and
put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: God's grace will never allow His child to be just a hired servant. He is either restored completely, or not at all. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ So, in spite of Abram's compromises in Egypt, God
brought him back to "the place
where his tent had been at the beginning," and "unto the place of the altar, which he had
made there at the first: and there Abram called on the name of the LORD."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ However, God's complete restoration should always have a very practical effect in our lives. The restored soul should now have a very keen sense of the evil from which he has been delivered, and a sincere desire to walk worthy of his restoration. No, we are not restored in order to lightly plunge back into sin again, but rather to "go, and sin no more." We see this principle taught in Psalm 23:3-- "He
restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths
of righteousness for his name's sake."
Those two things must never be separated. Not only does God cleanse us from the penalty of our sin, but He also leads us "in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake." |
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