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Ephesians 4:17-32 The first three chapters of Ephesians are all about our wealth
in Christ, and how abundantly we have been blessed!
And then from Chapter 4 right through to Chapter 6 and V 9, it's
all about our walk in Christ.
That would be a natural progression, wouldn't it?
If we have been abundantly blessed, and if we are new creations
in Christ Jesus, our life should show it.
But there's a problem, isn't there?
Not only do we have a new nature, but we also possess an old one.
Our old man, that sinful nature we inherited from Adam, is still
with us.
Yes, we possess two natures, but God doesn't expect us to
manifest two personalities.
We'll talk about that in a few minutes.
However, right now, let's take a look at Paul's admonition concerning
our walk in Christ.
Ephesians 4:17 "This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth
walk not as other Gentiles walk ---."
Paul is addressing
the believers in
And as you will
notice, he has prefaced his remarks with the word "therefore."
Someone has said whenever
you come across a therefore in Scripture, you should ask yourself what it is
there for.
In this case, I'm
quite sure Paul is referring to their blessings in Christ
that he has already enumerated in this epistle.
Therefore, or in
view of the fact that "--- he hath
chosen us in him before the foundation of the world" (Ephesians 1:4) and because He has "predestinated us unto the adoption of
children" (Ephesians 1:5) and certainly because "we have redemption through his blood" (Ephesians 1:7) we
should "henceforth walk not as
other Gentiles walk."
No, we should not
live like our neighbours, because we are not like our neighbours.
I don't mean we're any
better than they are, for Romans 3:23 tells us "--- all have sinned,
and come short of the glory of God."
But we're living
under completely different circumstances.
The fact is, we’re
someone else's possession.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 makes it quite clear that you are not your own. And certainly the believers in
history tells us
Listen to Paul's
description of its citizens.
Ephesians 4:19 "Who
being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness (or lewdness), to work all uncleanness with
And their sinful
lifestyle was further encouraged by their goddess Diana and the many
priestesses who served in her temple.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Of course, that's
not the case with most of us.
We don't live in
such a debased society.
Our friends and
neighbours, even if they're not Christians, might be quite moral, and even
However, regardless
of the society we live in, when it comes to the unsaved, certain basic
principles apply.
Listen to Paul's
description in verses 17 and 18.
"--- that ye henceforth walk not as other
Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, The first thing we
notice is what we commonly call mindset.
spiritual things, their understanding is darkened.
And even though
this seems to be a problem of the mind, it has nothing to do with their IQ.
No, these people
are as intelligent as anyone else.
However, their
thinking has been clouded by "the
blindness of their heart."
And not only is
their "understanding darkened," but they are "alienated from the
life of God."
Now that's not the
way man was originally created.
God made him in His
own image, and He created him for fellowship.
And during those
wonderful days in the Garden of Eden, not only did God visit him on a regular
basis, but I'm thoroughly convinced man was the dwelling place of His Holy
However, with the
entrance of sin, all that changed.
The Holy Spirit
departed, and the human race became "alienated
from the life of God."
And only Christ's
wonderful salvation, which cleanses us from our sin, can make us the dwelling
place of the Holy Spirit once again.
How do I know that?
Because 1
Corinthians 6:19 tells us a Christian’s "body is the temple of the Holy Ghost."
So then, that's one
of the fundamental differences between the believer and the unbeliever.
Through the
indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, the Christian is alive to spiritual
However, because of "the blindness of their heart," the mind of the unbeliever is alive to man's empty philosophies.
Or, as Ephesians 4:
17-18 has put it, "--- that ye
henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Now what exactly
does this word vanity mean when it refers to the condition of the unbeliever’s
Unfortunately, the
meaning of the word has changed over the years, so the King James Version,
although correct at the time, now needs some explanation.
No, Paul wasn't
talking about pride in their appearance, as the word vanity might suggest.
The word he used
meant something like a mirage, an illusion, something imagined but not really
So what Paul was
really saying was human wisdom, apart from divine revelation, is full of all
kinds of illusions of the mind.
For instance, in
the field of religion, unregenerate man has come up with many strange and
harmful beliefs, even corrupting what they call Christianity.
Christian Science teaches
that death is not real, and pain is an error of the mortal mind.
Mormons believe
they can become gods.
Hindus believe,
depending on their performance, they will be reincarnated as a cow or a bird or
a cockroach, etc.
And even men of
science, with their keen intellect and so-called higher learning, have come up
with some of the most bizarre theories.
For instance,
totally rejecting God's Word, which says "God
created the heaven and the earth," they have substituted the theory of
Armed with some
very fragmented evidence, and a few billion years, they are quite prepared to
believe creation simply created itself.
And when you
consider the magnitude and sheer perfection of God's creation, which is
continually being revealed due to their increased powers of investigation, such
a conclusion can only be explained as the product of darkened minds.
As Paul puts it in 1
Corinthians 2:14, "--- the natural
man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness
unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually
And most of our
great thinkers categorically deny the existence of a supreme being:
Einstein never
wanted to believe in God.
Marx was an
Yes, regardless of the
field of endeavour, unregenerate men have always walked "in the vanity of their mind, The original word
that is translated "blindness" in our text is more in the sense of hardness.
It indicates a
dulling of the senses, as one who is under the influence of an anaesthetic.
No wonder such a
heart produces a darkening of the understanding.
And as unregenerate
man continues to accept and practice the world’s morality and philosophies, his
sin increases, undetected by a conscience that has been rendered insensible.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I'm sure you are
familiar with the awful mutilation of fingers and toes, etc., that is the most
evident manifestation of that dreaded disease of leprosy.
And yet these
disfigurements are not a direct result of the disease.
The fact is, the
leper has lost his ability to feel pain.
With this warning
system eliminated, injuries can occur undetected and progress untreated.
And so it is--as mankind
immerses himself in man's godless inventions--his conscience becomes "seared with a hot iron."
And with this
God-given warning system put out of commission, wrong becomes right and right
becomes wrong.
Such was the case
with the residents of
Ephesians 4:19 "Who being past feeling (the warning
system was gone) have given themselves
over unto lasciviousness (or lewdness) to work all uncleanness with greediness."
Their great temple
to the goddess Diana was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, and yet,
in the name of religion, this invention of darkened minds had led them down the
path to gross immorality.
And that’s where the believers in
And no doubt before
their conversion, that's how some of
them lived.
But now they were different.
They were new
creations in Christ Jesus.
They must "henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk,
in the vanity of their mind."
They must not
govern their lives by the beliefs, thought patterns, and codes of conduct that
dominated their neighbours’ lives.
As Paul reminded them
in V20, you "have not so learned
And isn't that the
case with every Christian?
Certainly our faith
involves certain doctrines and codes of conduct, but the bottom line is Christ.
He is the Head, and
we are His body.
Yes, Christianity
is Christ.
As Paul put it to
the Ephesian believers in V21, "If
so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, (and through
Paul's ministry they certainly had) as
the truth is in Jesus" --- and
isn't He the very embodiment of truth?
Yes, Jesus is the truth that reveals the lie.
He is the light that dispels darkness.
These Ephesian believers
only had to look at Jesus to get a true perspective.
Oh, I know,
Scripture doesn't cover every situation.
There's nothing in
the Bible about smoking or taking drugs.
But in every
situation, we only need to ask ourselves this question: Is that how I "learned Christ”?
So why do
Christians get involved in worldly things, and why were some of these Ephesian
believers, as we will discover in a moment, having a problem making a clean
Because they still
possessed an old nature with all its evil appetites.
And that's why Paul
makes the connection in Ephesians 4:21-22, "If so be that ye have heard
him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: And that's a
problem we all struggle with, isn't it?
We still possess the
old nature we inherited from Adam, and it is still "corrupt according to the deceitful lusts."
And it always will
It can't be changed.
It must be put
away, or it will drag us down.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In Romans 6:3-6, Paul
describes the power to put the old man away.
We covered that in our lessons on Romans, so I
won't get into great detail here.
Basically, our
power to put off the old man comes with our identification with Christ in His
death and resurrection.
Simply counting on
the fact "---- that our old man is crucified with him, that
the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve
sin." Romans 6:6
So, the first thing
we must do is "--- put off concerning the former conversation
the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts."
That's step one.
Step two is found
in Ephesians 4:23 "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind."
A better rendering
of this verse is "Being renewed in
the spirit of your mind."
The Christian’s
textbook is the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit is his teacher.
And truancy really
isn't an option.
Yes, just as our
physical frame needs food every day, so you need to be "renewed in the spirit of your mind" on a daily basis.
And while we're
talking about the mind, there's another reason why we should put away the old
Satan is very aware
of the importance of the mind, and he will use every opportunity to fill the
minds of the unsaved with his lies.
And through our old
nature, he can also exert his evil influence.
So if we want to
keep him away, we must put it away.
Yes, it's a battle for
the mind.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And then in
Ephesians 4:24, Paul takes the next step --- "And that ye put on the new man, which after God is
created in righteousness and true holiness."
As our old man
naturally gravitates toward deceitful lusts, our new nature naturally produces
righteousness and true holiness.
It's just the way
God created the new nature.
So then, if our new
nature is in charge, then a Christian’s life will be characterized by "righteousness and true
In this case, I
believe the word "righteousness" refers to the manner in which a Christian deals with
his fellow man.
Yes, Christianity
should be synonymous with honesty and fair dealings.
that's not always the case.
A humorous,
although sad story, is told of a Christian who got up in a meeting and said, "I am standing in Christ on redemption
A voice was heard
from the back of the room --- "Don't
you believe him. He's standing in a pair
of shoes I sold him a month ago, and he hasn't paid for them yet."
Well, we laugh, but
it really isn't funny.
A Christian should
be known for his righteous dealings.
Anything else is a
reproach to the name of Christ.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The other
characteristic that accompanies the new nature is true holiness.
That describes our attitude
towards God.
It's our inner life,
the holiness of our thoughts.
It's a heart separated in accordance to His Holy
Actually, "righteousness and true
holiness" is nothing more, and nothing less, than real Christianity.
And those are the
characteristics of the new man.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
So then, we’re to put off the one and put on the other.
It's kind of like
having two suits of clothes.
And we mustn't try
to put our new clothes on over top of the old ones.
We must put off "the old man, which is corrupt
according to the deceitful lusts" before we "put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness
and true holiness."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And then, as far as
the Ephesian believers were concerned, Paul gets very specific about their old
Ephesians 4:25 "Wherefore
putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are
members one of another."
Did I hear right?
Was Paul actually
telling them to stop lying?
I'm afraid he was.
And I'm afraid I've
met Christians, who under certain circumstances, would lie.
For some of you, that
must be a shock!
Like myself, even
before we were Christians, our parents strictly taught us we should never lie.
Obviously that wasn't
the case with the Ephesian believers.
And considering the
society they grew up in, that's not too surprising.
What is surprising,
and quite disappointing, is the fact that they were not living up to their new
As Paul put it "--- ye have not so learned Christ."
And doesn't that
put it in a nutshell?
They knew Christ
always spoke the truth even when it was dangerous to do so.
And not only did He
speak the truth, but He was the truth.
His whole life was
And here's where we
all need to make a reality check.
Even though we might
not have the same problem some of these Ephesian believers had, are we living the truth?
Anything else is
And we all know
Jesus hated hypocrisy.
Matthew 23:13 "But
woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of
heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them
that are entering to go in."
He hated hypocrisy
because it was responsible for leading so many astray.
And that's exactly
why we must live the truth we profess.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And then in verses 26-27,
Paul says "Be ye angry, and sin
not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Can we be angry and
sin not?
Indeed, we can.
In fact, there are situations
under which we would be sinning if we weren’t angry.
Yes, there is such
a thing as righteous anger, and Jesus was angry on more than one occasion.
For instance, there
was the time in the synagogue when He healed the man with the withered hand.
We can read about
it in Mark 3:1-6 "And he entered again into the synagogue;
and there was a man there which had a withered hand. Why was Jesus angry?
Because of the
hardness of their hearts.
He had tried to
reason with them, to strike some chord of compassion in their hearts, but they
wouldn't discuss it.
So He healed the
man anyway.
Actually, we see
both kinds of anger in this passage.
Jesus’ righteous
anger because of the hardness of their hearts, and their unrighteous anger
because Jesus had done good on the Sabbath.
We must exercise
the one but not the other.
When our wrath
seeks revenge for some personal wrong, it becomes sinful, disruptive, even devilish.
That's why Paul
admonished the Ephesian believers to --- "let
not the sun go down upon your wrath: When anger is
allowed to fester in our hearts, it becomes a platform from which the devil can
do his evil work.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
For most of us, I
think Paul's third admonition would be as shocking as the first.
V 28 --- "Let him that stole steal no more."
No, most of us
don't have a problem with shoplifting or some other form of robbery.
However, even
though we don't steal in the plain sense, we might have grown accustomed to
some other forms of robbery.
For instance, what
about calling in sick when you're well?
That’s stealing
your employer’s money.
And then there are those
small items we use at work.
They belong to our
employer, not us.
And, are we
completely honest when we file our income tax?
Or do we pay in
cash to get around the sales tax?
Oh, I know, we
can't always agree with the way our government spends our taxes, but that's no
excuse for dishonesty.
I'm sure Jesus
didn't agree with the way the Roman government operated, but He still told the
people to "Render therefore unto
Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are
And then there's the
whole area of so-called business ethics.
For a Christian, there's
only Christian ethics.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And then Paul talks
about the alternative to stealing.
I realize there are
many people who are very willing to work but are unable to find employment.
I'm very
sympathetic with their plight, and I've been there myself.
So let me hasten to
say that Paul's remarks, and my comments, have nothing to do with unemployment.
Apparently that
wasn't a big problem in
No, the problem
Paul was addressing was dishonesty, and laziness.
Ephesians 4: 28 "Let
him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands
the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth."
some people don't need to hold down a job:
the retired, the disabled, and, of course,
those who are independently rich.
But for most of the
population, there are only two alternatives: You can work, or you can steal.
One way or another,
your basic needs have to be met,
and, of course, for a law-abiding
citizen, stealing isn't an option.
But can we be dishonest,
even if we’re gainfully employed?
I believe you can,
and I think that's the inference behind Colossians 3:22-23 "Servants,
obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as
menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: That's right, "not with eyeservice."
A Christian should
do an honest day’s work, and not just when the boss is looking.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
So then, now that
we have established the fact that we must work, and we must be honest in our
efforts, what kind of work should we be engaged in?
Does it really
Well, yes, it does,
and Paul was very specific about that when he said ---- "let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good."
It appears the
Ephesian believers would be working with their hands.
Some of them might
have been craftsmen, while others might have been engaged in manual labour.
And that's not
really important, for there is honour in all labour.
Today, I think we
give undue credit to white-collar and
blue-collar workers.
However, even
though all labour is honourable, we can’t classify all work as "good," and that's where Paul makes
the distinction.
A Christian needs to
be engaged in that which benefits, not harms, his fellow man.
For instance, if a
Christian in
The real money was
made by manufacturing silver shrines for Diana, but that was something he could
not get involved in.
So, the bottom line
for a Christian must be a good day's work spent in a good occupation.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And then Paul takes
it a step further.
Not only would
honest labour keep you from being a burden to society, but you can help others.
As Paul puts it,
"that he may have to give to him
that needeth."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
V 29 "Let no corrupt communication proceed out
of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may
minister grace unto the hearers."
Jesus put His
finger on it when He said "--- out
of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."
So who’s in charge
of your heart?
Is it "the old man, which is corrupt
according to the deceitful lusts"?
Is your
conversation marked by unkindness and gossip, and even questionable things?
And if you are a
parent, what kind of an effect does your conversation around the dinner table
have on your children?
Or is it "the new man" who fills your
Then your words
will edify those around you and
minister grace unto the hearers.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
V 30 "And
grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of
That's the bottom
line, isn't it?
Are you grieving the
Holy Spirit whom Jesus said will "abide with you for ever"?
He's trying to make
you more like Christ.
He is grieved when the
old man has his way.
So, "put on the new man."
And as Paul
admonishes us in V 31 --- " Let all
bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away
from you, with all malice:
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